Luka Doncic is set to compete against his former team for the first time when the Los Angeles Lakers welcome the Dallas Mavericks at Arena on Tuesday. The Mavericks hold a record of 31-27 overall and 13-16 on the road, while Los Angeles stands at 34-21 overall and boasts a home record of 19-7 this season.The Lakers have secured two consecutive victories,coming off a commanding 123-100 win against the Denver Nuggets on Saturday. Simultaneously occurring, Dallas is looking to bounce back from a 126-102 defeat to the Golden State Warriors on Sunday. This season, Dallas has an ATS record of 30-26-2, whereas Los Angeles is at 30-25 against the spread.Anthony Davis (adductor) will not play for Dallas, while LeBron James (foot) is listed as probable for the Lakers. The Mavericks have covered in seven out of their last eight games, while L.A. has won and covered in two straight.
The game in Los Angeles is scheduled to start at 10 p.m. ET. According to current odds from SportsLine Consensus, the Lakers are favored by nine points—up by 4.5 from opening lines—with an over/under set at 231 points, which has increased by three and a half points as then. Before making any picks for Lakers vs. Mavericks, you might want to check out NBA predictions and betting advice from SportsLineS proven computer simulation model.
The SportsLine Projection Model simulates every NBA game ten thousand times and has generated over $10,000 in betting profit for $100 bettors based on its top-rated NBA picks throughout more than six seasons now. As it enters Week 19 of the ongoing NBA season (2024–25), it boasts an notable record of147 wins against106 losses across all top-rated NBA selections dating back to last season—yielding nearly $4,000 in profit during that span as well as being accomplished with an outstanding18 wins out of28 attempts (64%) regarding top-rated spread picks this year alone! Anyone who follows along with sportsbooks, or uses betting apps, may have noticed meaningful returns.
The model has focused its attention on Lakers vs . Mavericks A >and firmly established its predictions & selections regarding this matchup . You can easily find these insights if you visitSports Line right now!. here are some additionalNBA betting lines A >for this contest:
- Mavericks vs.Lakers spread:Lakers –9
- Mavericks vs.Lakers over-under:231 points
- Mavericks vs.Lakers money line:Lakers –403,Mavs +316
- Mavericksvs.Laker picks:Check out picksatSports Line!
- Mavericksvs.Laker streaming:FuboTV(Free trial available) A > li >
Reasons whytheMavscouldcover
The Mavs had their three-game winning streak halted last Sunday after losing126–102toGoldenStateWarriors.KyrieIrving ledtheteamwith17points,fiverebounds,andfourassists.Stillthere’splentyofreasonforoptimismheadingintotheTuesdaymatchup. P >
TheMavsare7–1againstthespreadintheirlasteightgames,andtheypossessoneofthemostdynamicbackcourtsinWesternConference.Irvingisleadingthewaywithanaverageof24pointspergamealongwith4reboundsand4assists.Veteranklaythompsonis averaging13pointsand3reboundspergame,and<a CLASS=” Annotation-Link”HREF=” http :// w sport m/NBA/player s2135526/spencer-dinwiddie“SpencerDinwiddieis averaging10pointsand3assistspergame.< A H REF=http:/sports.line/com.insiderslakesvsmavpickpredictionodds-line-spread-start-time–2025-nbapics-february–best-bets-from-proven-computer-simulation-model/#ttag=022520252cbcbasketballnbanmodel_lakesmavstarget=_blnk“Checkwhichteamtochoosehere. P >
Spo rts WhytheL akerscancover
TheL akersendedtheirnine-gamelosingstreakagainstoneoftheirnewlyformedWesternConferencerivals,theDenverNuggets,inlastoutingsLosAngeleswasdominantinthevictoryoverDenverbybeatingthem123-to100.Inthismatch,LukaDoncichadhisbestperformanceafterjoiningtheL akersrecordingdouble-doublewith32points&10 rebounds. P >
ThiscontestwillcertainlybecrucialforDoncicwhohasspenthisentirecareerwithDallasbeforebeingtradedtoLAinoneofthelargesttradesinhistory.InfourgamesplayedfortheL akers,Donciciscurrentlyposting19pointsonaveragealongside7rebound&5 assists per match.Doncicpartners up with21-timeNBAAll-starlebronjames(24point8 assists&7 rebounds)creatingoneofthemostformidableduosinNBAhistory.< A H REF=http:/sports.line/com.insiderslakesvsmavpickpredictionodds-line-spread-start-time–2025-nbapics-february–best-bets-from-proven-computer-simulation-model/#ttag=022520252cbcbasketballnbanmodel_lakesmavstarget=_blnk“Checkwhichteamtochoosehere.”
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T he modelhasrun simulationson M avsvslak ers10000timesandresultsarein.Themodelleansbelowontotalpointswhilegeneratingspreadchoiceshittingover60%simulations.< A H REF=http:/sports.line/com.insiderslakesvsmavpickpredictionodds-line-spread-start-time–2025-nbapics-february–best-bets-from-proven-computer-simulation-model/#ttag=022520252cbcbasketballnbanmodel_lakesmavstarget=_blnk“You’llwanttogetmodelschoiceatSportsLine.”
So whowinsbetweenM avsandLak ers?Whichsideofspreadhits60%time?< A H REF=http:/sports.line/com.insiderslakesvsmavpickpredictionodds-line-spread-start-time–2025-nbapics-february–best-bets-from-proven-computer-simulation-model/#ttag=022520252cbcbasketballnbanmodel_lakesmavstarget=_blnk“GetrecommendationsfromSportsLinetofindoutwhichsideyoushouldbetonbasedonthemodeledreturnswellover$10kfromtopratedNBAPICKS!”