Diana Taurasi, the all-time leading scorer in the WNBA, a three-time champion, two-time Finals MVP, and 2009 MVP, declared her retirement on Tuesday during an interview with time Magazine. At 42 years old, Taurasi mentioned that she made this choice in early January when she recognized her lack of enthusiasm for beginning her preseason training.
“I simply didn’t have it within me,” taurasi expressed.”That was essentially when I understood it was time to step away.Mentally and physically, I’m just complete. That’s probably the best way I can put it. I’m complete and I’m content.”
WNBA commissioner Cathy Engelbert was among many who paid tribute to taurasi for her remarkable career following the declaration of her retirement.
“Diana Taurasi is one of the fiercest competitors to ever grace the basketball court at any level,” Engelbert stated in a release. “In a record-breaking career spanning 20 seasons, where she scored more points and made more three-pointers than any player in WNBA history, she has garnered immense respect from players worldwide, delivered thrilling moments and captivated fans repeatedly.
“On behalf of the WNBA family, I express my gratitude to Diana for all that she has contributed to the league — her passion, charisma and above all else, her unwavering commitment to basketball. She leaves behind an enduring legacy and ensures that the future of the WNBA is bright due to her influence which will likely resonate for generations ahead.”
Sports Making a choice
Taurasi had been signaling towards retirement for several years but consistently maintained that she did not desire an extensive farewell tour. TheMercury‘s social media campaign titled “If here’s it…” towards the end of their 2024 regular season included a small ceremony held after their last home game; though that was about it.
The future Hall of Famer indicated she’d make a definitive decision regarding her basketball career once Mercury’s season concluded. Despite some commendable efforts on their part; this occurred right after they lost Game 2 against their former rivals,Minnesota Lynx.
“I spoke with [Brittney Griner] saying ‘There are still days where I feel like maybe I’ve still got this,'” said Taurasi after Mercury’s final regular-season home match.” ‘I still want play basketball,’ yet there are also days where it’s exhausting just getting up which is undoubtedly something you grapple with as you reach this stage in your profession . You need so much energy just getting back onto court ,and it’s bittersweet on many levels.” p >
Sports A career Worth Remembering
Selected first overall during the 2004 WNBA Draft ,Tauras i quickly became an icon . She earned Rookie Of The Year honors , secured spots on All-W NBA First Team ,and finished third in MVP voting duringher debut season without looking back . Over two decades spent withinthis league,she collected every accolade available both individuallyand as partof teams.
Besides those major achievements already mentioned,she made14 All-W NBA selections alongwith11 All-Star appearances,captured five scoring titles,and ledthe leaguein assists once.Her numberofAll-W NBA selectionsandscoring titles surpassesany other player,andshewas namedtocelebrate15th ,20th,and25th anniversary teamsforleaguerecognition.onan international scale,she won six gold medalswithTeam USA,which standsasthe highest total byanybasketballplayeratOlympics,whether maleorfemale.
Tauras i concludedherWNBAjourneywith10 ,646points.Nooneelsehasreachedthe8 ,000-pointthresholdyet. p >
“My scoring record or those six gold medals will be surpassed by someone who shares similar drive or passionforbasketballwhoachieves these milestones underdifferent circumstances or name,”Taurasisaid.”That’s what sportsare truly about.It’llbe excitingto witness.Surelynot anytime soon.”
Spor ts Next Steps ForTauras i
T aur asi sharedthat she’s uncertainaboutwhat lies ahead.for now,she’s focusedonbeingamothertohertwochildrenwithformerMercuryteammateandaustralian starPenny Taylor.However,shewassurethattherewillbe no comebac k. p >
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“I’m absolutely retired,”T aur asi affirmed.”I’ll miss competing.I’ll miss strivingto improveevery offseason.I’ll miss bus rides,the shootarounds.The inside jokes.I’llmiss locker room camaraderie—allthose aspects,I’ll genuinelymiss.”
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