OpenAI’s AI-driven chatbot service ChatGPT continues too evolve with new features. The chatbot’s memory function allows you to retain preferences, making conversations more personalized. Additionally, ChatGPT has an enhanced voice feature, enabling real-time interaction with the platform. It also provides a marketplace — the GPT Store — for AI-driven functionalities and services.
You might be curious: What is the cost of ChatGPT? This question is more complex than it may seem at first glance. OpenAI presents various plans for ChatGPT, both free and paid, tailored for users from individuals to nonprofits, small and medium enterprises, educational institutions, and large corporations.
To keep track of the numerous subscription options available for chatgpt,we’ve compiled a guide on its pricing structure. We will maintain this guide as new plans are introduced.
ChatGPT Free Version
in earlier times, the complimentary version of ChatGPT‘s capabilities were quite limited. Though, that situation has evolved as OpenAI has launched new features and advanced generative AI models.
Users of ChatGPT’s free tier gain access to OpenAI’s GPT-4o mini model, responses enriched with information from online sources , access to the GPT store a>, along with the ability to upload documents and images while asking questions about those uploads . Free users also have limited access to more advanced features such as Advanced Direct mode , GPT -4o ,and o3-mini . Users can also save chat settings as “memories “and utilize advanced data analysis , a feature that enables Chat GPTto “reason over “(i.e., analyze data from) documents like spreadsheets or PDFs. p > However , there are drawbacks associated with usingthe free versionofChat GPT,suchas daily usage limits ontheG PT -40 modelandfileuploads dependingon demand.Free usersalso miss outonmoreadvancedfeatures whichwe discuss in greater detail below. p > Chat G P T Plus h2 > Forindividualusers seekingmorepowerfulcapabilitiesfromChat G P T,a subscriptionto’ C hat G P T Plus’ costs$20permonth.
div > div > div >C hat G P T Plus offersgreater capacitythanC hat G P Tfree—userscan send80messages everythreehours totheG PT –40modelandunlimitedmessages totheG PT –40mini—plusgainaccess t oOpen A I ’ s reasoningmodels includingo3-mini,’ o1-preview,and o1-mini. SubscribersofC hat GP TPlusalsoenjoymultimodalfeatureslike<ahref =' https :// tech crunch .com //chat g pt now understands real-time video seven months after open ai first demoed it '/' Superior Directmodewithvideoandscreen sharing,' although theymay encounter dailylimits. Additionally,C hat GP TPlus subscribershave limitedaccess tonewer toolsincluding<ahref =' https :// tech crunch .com //open ai unveils anew chat g pt agentfor deep research '/' Open A I ’ s deep reviewagent'and<ahref =' https :// tech crunch .com //open aisora is launching today here’s highlightsfromthefirstreview '/' S ora ’ svideo generation.' div >div >
C hat GP T Pro h2 >
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