INTIMACY COORDINATORS​ HAVE ⁣ become quite a topic of discussion this Oscar⁤ season. Throughout ⁣ Diversity‘s⁤ yearly Actors on Actors series,⁢ Mikey​ Madison disclosed that ⁤she opted​ not to use‍ an ‍ intimacy coordinator when teh possibility ​was presented to her while⁢ portraying a sex worker in Anora, sparking online discussions about the legitimacy of that choice.

One⁣ individual who weighed in was renowned‌ professional intimacy coordinator, Jessica Steinrock, whose ⁢ Tik Tok video response now boasts over 2 million views. She⁤ chose not to criticize‍ Madison, rather viewing the moment ⁢as an opportunity for⁢ dialogue. Steinrock elaborated on⁣ how relatively new this profession‌ is and expressed understanding and compassion​ for those who hold misconceptions about what the role entails.

“Any intimacy professional certainly​ has three roles,” Steinrock further explained during a‌ Zoom ​conversation with Men’s Health. “They are both an​ actor and ​crew member present, ensuring everyone has their boundaries‍ discussed, respected, and that ‍there are no ​surprises on set. They ⁤act as liaisons, meaning we collaborate with all other departments to ensure everyone has the information they need to ⁤succeed on the day.‌ Lastly,we serve as choreographers and movement specialists. Our goal ⁣is to support ​the⁢ director’s vision within actors’ ​boundaries‌ while⁤ making sure that the story appears authentic and conveys‍ what we want it to express.”

< p data-te ar-scream=true data-node-identit y=P0–13 c lass css-auya5i e mevu u60>The⁤ last aspect means that a significant part of an ⁣intimacy coordinator’s job ⁤is ensuring sex scenes look‍ realistic ⁤and feel passionate when that’s required by the script.This facet of discussion ofen gets overlooked. We spoke not only with Jessica‌ but also her husband Zev⁢ Steinrock, who is also a professional‌ intimacy coordinator⁤ about everything involved in creating ​accomplished sex scenes on​ set. Hear are our six key takeaways.< h2 id sex-scenes-ar e-choreographedfor-good-reason da ta-nod e-i dentit y=P0–14 c lass body-h2 cs s – 1m9gjyt em evu u60 > Sex scenes are choreographed—for good reason.< p da ta-t ear-scre am=true da ta-nod e-i dentit y=P0–15 c lass cs su ya5 i eme vu u60 >< strong>ZEV STEINROCK: For many years this‌ work was handled by stunt coordinators and fight directors. Just like we’re not actually punching someone⁢ but creating an illusion of ‍impact, we’re not genuinely engaging in penetrative intercourse either—we’re ⁣crafting an illusion​ of penetrative intercourse rather! If that illusion isn’t convincing enough then we call it out as it undermines storytelling effectiveness—that’s where​ our craft truly lies.< p da ta-t ear-scre am=true da ta-nod e-i dentit y=P0–16 c lass cs su ya5 i eme vu u60 >< strong>JESSICA​ STEINROCK:no one⁤ ever complains ⁢about ‌violence⁢ in films lacking spontaneity⁢ or drama right? Sometimes pushback against [intimacy coordinating] sounds like “If we choreograph it​ then it’s going to appear static.” Yet we do this ⁤routinely with extreme⁣ precision using violent scenes! We can apply those same⁢ techniques for dynamic storytelling moments which seem spontaneous or steamy while fundamentally relying upon choreography foundations—while always ensuring actors maintain full physical autonomy⁤ throughout production. < div dimension medium dat-a-em bed body-image cl ass align-center size-medium embed cs su –6i9ia4 e1fodxfw4 > < div cl ass cs su-wraif e1fodxfw3 > < img alt=”Health Anora2024,mikeymadison” title=”Health Anora2024,mikeymadison” loading=”lazy” width=”780″ height=”438″ decoding=”async” dat-animg=” true ” style=color:obvious;width:100%;height:auto ; src=https ://*classcssoeg79fudO>