UNLESS YOU HAVE the leisure to visit the gym more than once a day, you are probably merging cardio and strength training into one extensive workout session. So,which should you tackle first: cardio or weights?

It’s almost remarkable that we’ve reached a point where men are pondering this question. Traditional gym wisdom suggested that cardio could hinder your progress, and that muscle advancement would negatively affect cardiovascular fitness. However,recent research has indicated that aerobic exercise can actually aid in muscle growth,and building muscle can enhance cardiovascular performance. A study published in the Journal of Gerontology found that long-term aerobic activity is linked to increased muscular strength throughout life.

Moreover, both cardio and weight training contribute to different facets of health, which are both essential for overall wellness. Here’s some straightforward advice on how to effectively combine the two based on your objectives.

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How to Decide Between Cardio Before or After Weights

Health man exercising on exercise bike

Hirurg // Getty Images

If you were t o ask personal trainers about the inquiries thay receive most frequently ,there ’s one question that would appear on nearly every list : what should I do first during my workout : lifting or cardio ?

It ’s quite an intricate question ,and the complete answer depends upon various factors including your fitness level ,workout experience ,athletic goals ,and how much time you might be able t o dedicate each day t o exercising . It ’s also somewhat of a tricky catch22 situation since there are numerous ways t o perform strength training alongside cardio concurrently such as<a href=https :// www . mens health .com / fitness / a25424850 / best-hiit-exercises-workout /’goal=_ blank’records-varsg_a_outbound_hyper link=https:/ / www. mens health . com / fitness / a25424850 / best-hiit-exercises-workout/'records-varsg_a_ux_factor=” Hyper link” ‘records_varsg_a_name_to_motion=”high-intensity interval training (HIIT)”class=”body_link”css_‘id _b _l _e n k’’; however when y ou have general fitness goals it is advisable t o approach cardio and strength training separately within th esame session ; if you're looking for an overarching guideline here it is : Lift weights first then do card io second . If you're considering splitting up your workouts into two sessions per day check out<a href=https:/ www . mens health . com/f i tn ess/a19539530/is-it-safe-toworkouttwiceaday/'goal=_ blank'recordsvargsa_out bound_hyper link=http:/ www m ens h ea lt h co m/f i tn ess/a19539530/i sit safe tow ork out twice aday/'recordsvargsa ux factor=” hyper link ” ‘records_varsg_a_name_to_motion=”these tips optimize efforts”class=” body_link”cs_s__id__b_l_e_n_k’’;

<h2 iden tif ic ation == benefits-of-doing-cardio-after-weightss’node_identificati on ==9'class=b ody-h2 cs_s__id_b_l_e_n_k’’Bene fits of Doing Card io After Weights

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cl ass == cs au ya51 ev uu606>The reason being weightlifting often involves external resistance (such as barbells dumbbells kettlebells resistance bands etc.) thus presenting higher injury risks Fatiguing muscles with prior cardio before lifting will only increase this risk not mentioningtorpedo weightlifting performance In short you won’t be able perform as many reps or exert yourself as much after pre-fatiguing muscles with prior aerobic work.

in case y ou plan lift heavy weights you’ll need fresh muscles so they can execute proper form while maximizing their growth stimulus You simply cannot achieve this after “pre-fatiguing” them through previous aerobic activity.

Of course there’s also counterargument If you lift before doing any form of aerobics won’t it hinder endurance? The answer is yes.<A HREF=https:www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govpmcarticlesPMC43273680'/goal='_blank'recordvarsgaout boundhyperlin k=https:www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govpmcarticlesPMC43273680'/recordvarsga uxfactor="" hyperlink""recordvar sgname tomotion=""Research""class=""body_link cs_s_id_b_l_e_n_k''<Analysis suggests you'll likely notice meaningful drops in energy stamina providing further reasons why it's beneficial performing these activities separately.
However what lifting weights before engaging in any type of cardiovascular exercises does not considerably raise injury risks—and that's an crucial consideration when planning workouts programming accordingly Try tailoring both types around different days for optimal results but if necessary prioritize lifts over runs.

‘Exceptions To The Weights before Card io Rule

As with everything else some rules were meant break including “lift first then do card io second.” Here are few scenarios where flipping script makes sense.

‘Warming Up

Working out without warming up resembles driving car during winter without letting idle beforehand—you’ll stress engine potentially compromising its efficiency.

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Warming up with light aerobics before any workout whether it’s strength-based or purely cardiovascular helps prepare muscles for movement You’ll increase blood flow throughout body stimulate nervous system enhance mental focus all contributing towards prosperous sweat session.

“HIIT And Circuit Training

There may also be instances when combining strength exercises along with aerobics within same routine becomes acceptable HIIT circuit routines fall under category Protocol designed keep moving like EMOM AMRAP represent additional options.

The key takeaway here prioritizing work efforts while minimizing rest periods keeps heart rate elevated metabolism active while challenging muscles stimulating hypertrophy.

In summary achieving best both worlds calorie-burning endurance-enhancing advantages from conditioning combined together muscle-building energy-increasing benefits from resistance workouts.

However here’s caveat don’t engage these high-intensity sessions daily ideally limit frequency two three times weekly maximum because excessive frequency doesn’t allow adequate recovery between sessions So what about other days You guessed right focus either solely resistance work lower intensity steady-state activities instead.