Welcome to Testosterone HQ—Men’s Health‘s guide to the exciting, intricate, and transformative realm of testosterone. For everything you need to understand about T, click here.

WHAT’S CONSIDERED NORMAL regarding testosterone levels is subjective. Normalcy differs from person to person, and healthcare professionals assert that your specific number may not be as crucial as you think. How you feel is what truly counts.

“It’s no longer solely about figures,” states Paul Gittens , M.D . , a board-certified urologist and founder of the Rockwell Centers for Sexual Medicine and Wellness in New York City and Pennsylvania. “It’s about how your numbers correlate with your symptoms.”

Testosterone is a hormone generated by your testicles that plays an crucial role in your libido, sperm generation, muscle growth, bone growth, hair growth, voice deepening, and red blood cell creation.

And everyone functions at different levels , says Gittens. Your testosterone level even varies throughout the day. So what constitutes as ‘normal’? Is it notable? We consulted experts.

What testosterone level is deemed normal?

A NORMAL, HEALTHY testosterone level can range widely. Healthy levels are generally between 264 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) and 1000 ng/dL according to several doctors. Anything below 264 ng/dL is considered low while high testosterone exceeds 1000 ng/dL.

” “
Calm down,” there’s variation throughout the normal range,” says Gittens.”Some individuals feel miserable at310 or350.”So it’s essential to consider individuals along with their symptoms.”

What influences testosterone levels?

MANY FACTORS INFLUENCEyour testosterone phases.And despite having less than264ng/dL,you might not experience any signs of low T.’Or it doesn’t mean if someone hits300 automatically means they have low T or if they have315 they don’t,’ says‘Justin Dubin MD’,an expert in men’s health at Memorial Healthcare System.Various medical professionals state healthy T can still be adequate at264ng/dL.
Age significantly impacts this.As you age,your total T levels are likely‘decline byabout16percentayear’.
Weight also plays an important role.There exists an association between obesityandlowT.Leptina hormone produced infat cellsis thoughtto inhibitTproduction.
Excess fat cells may also elevate estrogen levels which reducesT.

-tell=true’-node-identitiy’-18′-style-list-style-type:none;’>Various factors that could loweryourTinclude:

  • -medications including chemotherapy
  • -damage tothe testicles
  • -thyroid function issues
  • -chronic diseasesorinfections suchasHIV,hypotensionorhighcholesterol
  • -opioid use
  • -steroid use
    Is it acceptabletohavehighTlevel?

    bbolt tell=true’-node-identitiy’-21′-style-list-style-type:none;’>WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR TESTOSTERONE NUMBERS,HIGH ISN’T ALWAYS BETTER.Medical professionals assertthat testosteronescoresaren’t indicativeofmasculinity.

    Gittins notes he frequently enough encounters patients fixated on achieving certain testosteronenumbers—often due totheir online readings.“They’re focused on those figures,and this can be detrimental,” he adds.
    While being onthe higher endcan indeedbe harmful dependingonthe numbers,says‘John Lynam D.O.’. ExcessiveTestostero necan trigger varioussymptoms like reduced sperm count,elevatedbloodpressure,mood swings,sleep disturbances,and hypertension.
    It’s uncommon for men tonaturally possess elevatedTestostero nehowever.If so,it usually resultsfrom tumors inthe testiclesor adrenal gland disorders.Men who abuse anabolic steroids or undergo Testostero ne therapy withoutmedical supervisionmayalso exhibit highlevels too,saysBlack.

    What occursif myTestostero neis too low?
    Therearemenwho feelcompletelynormalandmaynot require treatment,” states<a href=http:mhs.netphysicians/ddubinjustin'target=_blnk'datavarsgao utboun dlin k=h ttps:mhs.netphysicians/ddubinjustin'more than one doctor who specializes in men's healthcare system.”There’s morethan justnumbersso treatpeoplebasedontheirstoriesandlabs.”
    The wayyoufeel matters more,Gittins emphasizes.LowTestostero necould lead tomany(unpleasant effects)

    ,including decreasedlibido,muscle loss,a declining mood,and(low energy)

    .Ifthis resonates withyou,your physician will likely investigate potential causesoflowTsuchasobesity,painkilleruse,andissuesrelatedtopituitaryglandortesticles.The physician will then determine appropriate actionswhichcouldrange fromlifestyle changes tohormonaltherapy.

    How do I find outmy Testostero ne Levels?
    Generally doctors suggest there isn’t much reason toworry aboutyour exact Testos terone number—or evenknow whatitis—unless you’re experiencing concerning symptoms,” explains Black.

    “My approach has always been prioritizing treatingthe individualandtheir symptoms overabsolute numbers,” Lynam states.“Ifyour Testos terone scoresare lowertherearetreatmentoptionsavailable.Ifyou’re atthe higher end,it couldbe harmful.Too muchofagoodthing isn’t necessarilygood.”
    If you’re experiencing signs oflowTestos terone—like diminishedlibido,fatigue,d ata-varsg ao utboun dlin k=h ttps:www.health.a nd/or depression.class body lin k.css-‘bd88pn51.e ve vu620’>‘depression’,d ata-varsg ao utboun dlin kh ttps:www.health.a nd/or erectile dysfunction.class body lin k.css-‘bd88pn51.e ve vu620’>‘erectile dysfunction’,or difficulty concentrating—discuss gettingyourTestos terone checkedwithyourdoctor.Ifresults showlower-than-normalvaluesalongside symptomsofLow-Testo sterone,youmight qualifyfor hormonaltherapy.Doctors may also recommend lifestyle modifications suchas increasedexercise,losingweight,gettingsufficientrest,reducingstress,andmaintaininghealthy eating habits,Gittins suggests.“Often peoplefeelashamedtotalkabouttheseindicatorsbecauseofthetaboo surroundingthem,”Dubinstates.“But we can’t assist unlessyoucome see us.”